Who are these Guys?

Once upon a time in the crowded lanes of suburban Mumbai, there was and still is this Tech and Digital agency called Think Technology Services, They had an idea, He said “Let's do this” and here we are almost 2 years of extensive research, big arguments on functionality, features & design, numerous beers, tea, coffee, Oh yes and lines of code.
We Dream, We do, Rest we leave to you!

This is what we’ve made...

LetsMeet will show you the People around you at that Location while you are there for you to be able to connect with them instantly.
Get over the initial barrier and actually Meet them in the Real World. Whether for Business Networking or Just Connecting and meeting interesting New People. LetsMeet can be that conversation starter for you.

LetsMeet is fast lightweight app which will show you the People around you in your Location. Built on the Latest Ionic 5 and Angular framework the app is available on both Android and iOS devices.